The Hertford Club Membership

The Hertford Club welcomes new members and holds special New Members Open Events throughout the year.

Discover the historic members’ club in the heart of Hertford; set in a beautiful 15th Century building, on the banks of the River Lea.

The Hertford Club boasts some of the best-value in town. As well as great prices, we have a great range. Whether you want great value beers, ales, wines and spirits or a wide selection of homemade food, our Grade II* Listed building has it all.

We have an exciting calendar of food, drink and live music events.

Amazing Value. Amazing Perks.

Our full membership fee is just £99 per year. That's under £2 a week!
And with our amazing discounts, you'll make your money back in no time.

At the time of becoming a Member you can add ‘credits’ to your bar account to benefit from significant reductions in bar prices - when paying via your Member's Swipecard. When used up, you can top up credit at any time over the bar.

There is a one-off joining fee of £25 for new members.

Membership enquiries

01992 421422

Membership Conditions & Club Rules

Visitors / Guests

Members shall have the privilege of introducing visitors to the Club. The names and addresses of all visitors, together with the name of the introducer shall be entered in the book kept for that purpose, with the date of the visit.

The Member introducing a visitor shall be responsible for their guest strictly observing the Rules of the Club and the Club Bye-laws and shall not leave the Club premises before their guest(s).

No person shall be introduced as a visitor to the Club who may have been expelled from Membership or whose conduct or presence in the Club shall be considered by the Committee objectionable or prejudicial to the interests of the Club.

No person may be introduced into the Club as a guest on more than 8 occasions during any Calendar year, unless prior consent is obtained from the Committee.

Dress Code

(Applies to ALL members, and their Guests)

Dress code at all times may be casual, but smart.

Gentlemen may wear, during the summer months, tailored shorts during the day and evening.

(Beach/Camouflage, running/sports styled shorts; singlets, vests and football shirts, along with loud or offensive logos, are not acceptable at any time)

Casual shirts or collared T-shirts are acceptable for gentlemen

Ladies are required to be appropriately dressed at all times


Footwear should be clean and smart, i.e. No muddy boots or shoes etc. You are requested to refrain from wearing Flip Flops after 7pm

Members or guests considered to be inappropriately dressed by the Managers or committee will be asked to leave the premises and their decision will be final.

Please adhere to the Dress Code as a polite reminder may often offend.

Membership Cycle

If any member fails to pay his or her subscription by 14th January, he or she will be considered in arrear and if the sum due were not paid by 31st January shall cease to be a Member and have to re-apply for membership.

If, however, the delay in payment can be accounted for to the satisfaction of the committee, the Committee may at its discretion, direct that any member shall be exempt from the foregoing provision.

Any member in arrear shall not be permitted to make use of the facilities of the club or take part in its affairs.

All Members shall be bound by the Rules and Byelaws for the time being in force. Should any matter arise which is not provided for in the foregoing Rules and Byelaws, the Committee shall have the power to determine the same.

Club Rules

  1. All Members are required to pay every expense they incur in the Club before leaving the premises.
  2. No games, which are not games of skill, shall be played in the Club.
  3. No bill, notice or placard, etc shall be posted or distributed in or about the Club premises without the permission of the Committee or some person authorised by them.
  4. No Member of the Committee or Officer of the Club shall sign any memorial or document on behalf of the Club, or relating to matters connected with the management of the Club, without the sanction of the Committee.
  5. Any person damaging any of the property of the Club shall make good such damage to the satisfaction of the Committee.
  6. No dogs shall be allowed within the Club buildings unless they are Working Assistance Dogs.
  7. A remarks book shall be kept at the Club in which Members are invited to record any suggestion for increasing the objectives and comforts of the Club. Such suggestions to be signed by the Member.
  8. These Byelaws shall not be altered without the sanction of a General Meeting or Special General Meeting but the Committee may at any time issue new Byelaws.
  9. The conduct of an employee of the Club shall in no instance be made a matter of personal reprimand by any Member, but all complaints against an employee or the domestic arrangements of the Club shall be addressed to the Committee through the Secretary.
  10. Children (under the age of 14 years) are allowed on the Club premises:- - Prior to 7.00 pm. - At any time whilst dining in the Restaurant area. - At any Club or Privately organised function, where the Committee have sanctioned the attendance of Children. Those between the ages of 14 and 18 years will be allowed into the Club at anytime, but the Committee reserve the right to limit their attendance at Functions and special events. Provided always: that all Children are properly supervised by a bona fide Member or Adult Guest and that at NO time do they approach the Bar or Gaming Machine(s).
  11. All Members shall ensure that both they and their guests observe the provisions of the “Dress Code” posted by the Committee.